Puppy of the day: Boze
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This LI family has millions of social media followers

How Adam and the Metal Hawks got started on TikTok

Wearing a hijab on social media helps her "reclaim the narrative" of how Muslims are perceived, a TikToker says.

Rohan Murphy, a double amputee, travels to Long Island schools to help inspire students to overcome adversity.

Rating cheese pulls and tasting breakfast sandwiches at delis around Long Island helped this Amityville teen reach thousands on TikTok.

How recipes, comedy and her Italian-American heritage grew this chef's social media following.

He dropped out of college to make comedy videos with his dad. Now, TikTok is his full-time job.

She started posting videos on TikTok impersonating her Long Island mom

This lola and her grandson spread memes, positivity and Filipino culture on TikTok

Inside Barrotta's Supper Club jazz restaurant in Huntington

A 'tiki' boat is cruising Long Island shores. Hop aboard.

Rainbow cookie to ancho chile: Check out creative hot chocolates