Los Andes Restaurant
Los Andes Restaurant in Patchogue serves Peruvian cuisine.
The surroundings are simple at Los Andes Restaurant in Patchogue.
Diners share a meal of authentic Peruvian cuisine in one of the two dining rooms at Los Andes Restaurant in Patchogue.
Aguadito de Mariscos, a Peruvian green seafood soup with a cililantro base, is a specialty at Los Andes Restaurant in Patchogue.
Salchipapas -- French fries with hot dogs -- are served at Los Andes Restaurant in Patchogue.
Ensalada de palta, or avocado salad, is served at Los Andes Restaurant in Patchogue.
Family-style pollo a la brasa, or rotisserrie chicken, is featured in a combo with avocado salad and French fries with hot dogs at Los Andes Restaurant in Patchogue.