Joe Gannascoli played Vito Sptafore on the HBO series The...

Joe Gannascoli played Vito Sptafore on the HBO series The Sopranos. Credit: WILL HART / HBO WILL HART

Joe Gannascoli, who played Vito, the doomed gay mobster on HBO’s “The Sopranos,” will be helping Salpino III Italian Market celebrate its 13th birthday.

On Saturday from noon to 2 p.m., Gannascoli, a trained chef who recently had a gig at Il Luogo in Lynbrook, will be cooking with Boar’s Head products and giving away samples of new items such as hummus and blackened turkey.

Salpino III Italian Market is at 38 Deer Park Ave., North Babylon, 631-242-5500



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