SPENDING $139,348,682, a 2.7 percent increase from the current $135,686,223.
TAX LEVY 1.99 percent increase, from $102,299,710 to $104,334,048. This is equal to the district’s 1.99 percent tax-cap limit, so a simple majority vote is required for approval.
TEACHER PAY / PROGRAMS Includes an average 2.25 percent salary increase. The proposed budget includes funding for new courses at the high school and middle school, new textbooks, an elementary science program, two additional school psychologists, guidance counselor and social worker and a new foreign language teacher at the elementary level as well as other initiatives.
Proposition 2 authorizes a capital reserve for building improvements of $1,559,180 at no additional cost to taxpayers. Funds would cover heating, ventilation and air conditioning projects at various district buildings.
Proposition 3 authorizes $60,000 for the Hicksville Gregory Museum for educational programs. Both propositions will have no tax impact and are contingent on passage of the budget.
7 a.m. to 9 p.m. at Burns Avenue, Dutch Lane, East Street, Fork Lane, Lee Avenue, Old Country Road and Woodland elementary schools. www.hicksvillepublicschools.org
Incumbent Carla Hoene is running unopposed. Linda Imbriale is running for the seat of incumbent Lynda Parmely, who is not seeking re-election. Terms are three years and elected by seat.