Bella Nocera, left, and Kevin Pfundstein, seniors at Wantagh High...

Bella Nocera, left, and Kevin Pfundstein, seniors at Wantagh High School, were recently featured on NBC's home-renovation show "George to the Rescue" discussing the importance of the Town of Hempstead's Camp ANCHOR, where they are volunteers. Credit: Wantagh School District

Two Wantagh High School students made a national appearance on behalf of a Long Island program for children and adults with special needs.

Bella Nocera and Kevin Pfundstein, both seniors, were recently featured on NBC's home renovation show "George to the Rescue" discussing the importance of the Town of Hempstead's Camp ANCHOR, in Lido Beach, where they volunteer for a six-week summer recreation program.

The teens are seen at the start of the half-hour episode, which aired Sept. 18, discussing the program's importance and asking for host George Oliphant to come and beautify the camp's handball court. It was ultimately transformed into a miniature golf course.

They were tapped for the spot by Gina Federico, a volunteer coordinator for Camp ANCHOR and special-education teacher at Wantagh High School.

"I just fell in love with the program from the first day I started working there," said Nocera, who has cousins who attend the camp. "Everyone is always happy and our campers are such kind, caring people."

Nocera is also an officer for her school's Class of 2022 and a member of the National Honor Society and Key Club. Pfundstein is president of Science Olympiad and treasurer of the National Honor Society.

"We're so proud of them for taking what they love to do and sharing it with others," said Wantagh Principal Paul Guzzone.


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