Maiya Adolphus, a senior at Baldwin High School, has been...

Maiya Adolphus, a senior at Baldwin High School, has been named Junior Achievement of New York’s Student of the Year for 2022-23.  Credit: Baldwin School District

A Baldwin High School student has been named 2022-23 Student of the Year by an organization that teaches youth about money management and how business works.

Maiya Adolphus, a senior, received the designation, which comes with a $10,000 scholarship, from Junior Achievement of New York. As the winner, she will also be honored at the organization’s annua gala awards dinner in November.

To get selected, Adolphus underwent a selection process that included a series of interviews and a presentation to the organization’s board of directors.

“Earning this award means so much to me,” Adolphus said. “When I first found out I was Student of the Year, I cried, because I realized I was going to be a representative for an amazing organization that gives so much back to the community.”

Adolphus’ extracurricular activities include serving as co-president of her school’s Leadership Council and being a member of the varsity cheerleading squad, Business and Marketing Honor Society, and Future Business Leaders of America Club.

She has also worked with organizations including the Make-A-Wish Foundation, Girls Who Code and Project SEED, the latter of which teaches advanced math to elementary and middle school students.

“Not only will she serve as an excellent ambassador for Junior Achievement of New York, but as a shining example of what so many of our wonderful Baldwin students achieve,” Baldwin Principal Neil Testa said. 

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