While attending Oyster Bay High School, this 2000 graduate was...

While attending Oyster Bay High School, this 2000 graduate was splitting time between school, tutors and film and television sets. Although she landed a featured role in the CBS series "Now and Again" during her senior year, she still found room in her busy schedule to serve as president of the school's media arts club. Credit: Oyster Bay High School

Many Long Island high school graduates didn't waste any time finding stardom.

They excelled everywhere — from in front of the cameras to inside a cage.

Click on the link below to check out the yearbook photos of LIers who have graduated since 2000 and figured out the fast track to fame.


Nearly 20,000 Long Islanders work in town and city government. A Newsday investigation found a growing number of them are making more than $200,000 a year. NewsdayTV's Andrew Ehinger reports.  Credit: Newsday/Drew Singh; Randee Daddona; Photo Credit: Thomas A. Ferrara

'No one wants to pay more taxes than they need to' Nearly 20,000 Long Islanders work in town and city government. A Newsday investigation found a growing number of them are making more than $200,000 a year. NewsdayTV's Andrew Ehinger reports. 

Nearly 20,000 Long Islanders work in town and city government. A Newsday investigation found a growing number of them are making more than $200,000 a year. NewsdayTV's Andrew Ehinger reports.  Credit: Newsday/Drew Singh; Randee Daddona; Photo Credit: Thomas A. Ferrara

'No one wants to pay more taxes than they need to' Nearly 20,000 Long Islanders work in town and city government. A Newsday investigation found a growing number of them are making more than $200,000 a year. NewsdayTV's Andrew Ehinger reports. 


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