Frederick Parola, 14, an eighth-grader at Wantagh Middle School, took...

Frederick Parola, 14, an eighth-grader at Wantagh Middle School, took the state title for his grade in an essay contest about the American Revolution. The contest was coordinated by the Daughters of the American Revolution's American History Committee of New York State.

A Wantagh Middle School eighth-grader with a passion for history has taken the state title for his grade in an essay contest about the American Revolution.

Frederick Parola, 14, was awarded a silver medal and a certificate for winning the contest coordinated by the Daughters of the American Revolution's American History Committee of New York State. The essay was evaluated on factors ranging from historical accuracy to proper grammar.

His 800-word paper, about the lives of children during the American Revolution, described a fictional 14-year-old boy who lived in Virginia with his father, mother and two younger sisters.

"When his dad left to fight for the Continental Army, he had to take on adult responsibilities," Parola said. Of winning, he said: "It means a lot. New York is a pretty big state."

Parola's piece incorporated facts and elements about the Revolution, such as the Battle of Savannah, he said. In the essay, the Continental Army also took a cow from the family, which was common during the Revolution, he said.

Parola, a Boy Scout, also plays the violin and is on his school's baseball team.

Hundreds of Long Island educators are double dipping, a term used to describe collecting both a salary and a pension. NewsdayTV's Shari Einhorn and Newsday investigative reporter Jim Baumbach report. Credit: Newsday/A.J. Singh

'Let somebody else have a chance' Hundreds of Long Island educators are double dipping, a term used to describe collecting both a salary and a pension. NewsdayTV's Shari Einhorn and Newsday investigative reporter Jim Baumbach report.

Hundreds of Long Island educators are double dipping, a term used to describe collecting both a salary and a pension. NewsdayTV's Shari Einhorn and Newsday investigative reporter Jim Baumbach report. Credit: Newsday/A.J. Singh

'Let somebody else have a chance' Hundreds of Long Island educators are double dipping, a term used to describe collecting both a salary and a pension. NewsdayTV's Shari Einhorn and Newsday investigative reporter Jim Baumbach report.

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