A Riverhead High School student and her father picking up...

A Riverhead High School student and her father picking up a Chromebook at Riverhead High School in October 2020. According to the U.S. Census, among all age groups, Riverhead's Hispanic population climbed by 68.4%, from 3,369 in 2010 to 5,674 in 2020.  Credit: Randee Daddona

Rosman Garcia, 19, of Riverhead, moved to Riverhead in 2017 from Guatemala to live with his mother, who found rent to be more affordable than in Westhampton Beach.

That decision may have been driven by finances, but it was a choice that has factored into the town’s population growth and reflects 2020 census results that show Riverhead has seen increases across all age categories for Hispanic residents in the past decade.

"I like Riverhead," Garcia said. "It’s a town where we can be so united that we help each other out."

The population of residents 18 and older increased 57.6%, from 3,329 in 2010 to 5,607 in 2020. Among the under-18 population, Hispanics made the largest gains of any demographic in the town, jumping by 101.1%, from 1,320 in 2010 to 2,655 in 2020. Among all age groups, Riverhead’s Hispanic population climbed by 77.7% from 4,649 in 2010 to 8,262 in 2020.

Minerva Perez, executive director of OLA of Eastern Long Island, an East End-based Latino advocacy group, told Newsday that the census numbers were remarkable considering that Hispanics may have been undercounted after the Trump administration tried to insist that those filling out the census indicate whether they were a citizen, U.S.-born or naturalized, or not.

"I think there’s a statement there for me," Perez said. "That statement says ‘I’m here, I’m participating in the civic process that we have in our communities and I’m participating in Riverhead. I feel like this is a very, very positive moment for us to see those numbers at a level of an increase. I’m excited by that."

Perez said the rising demographics could benefit children in local schools by demonstrating a need to expand English as a New Language (ENL) programs and examining how schools can incorporate bilingual professionals in the district.

Town Councilwoman Catherine Kent said she wasn’t surprised by the increased numbers of Hispanics. Kent said the town’s larger population numbers, particularly in schools, might place Riverhead in a better position to argue for a larger increase in state aid for its schools.

Noting that Riverhead’s population had been steadily growing for decades, Kent said the town needs to take a harder look at the data, as increasing populations would impact town services such as fire, water, ambulance, police and traffic control.

Supervisor Yvette Aguiar said she’s not surprised that both the town’s total population, as well as its local Hispanic population, are growing — as the latter reflects similar increases countywide and nationwide — but couldn’t predict what impact the data will have on the town’s tax base or services.


• Riverhead’s overall population increased by 7.2%, from 33,506 in 2010 to 35,902 in 2020.

• Of its total population, Riverhead’s Hispanic residents reflected the largest gains among ethnicities, rising by 77.7% in 2020, up from 3,329 in 2010. While the town’s Asian population rose by 2.3% over that decade, the white population dropped by 6.4% in that time, and the number of Black residents fell by 15.6%.

• Among people 18 and older in Riverhead, the census saw the Hispanic population make the largest gains, rising by 57.6%, from 3,329 in 2010 to 5,607 in 2020. Hispanics also made the largest gains among the under-18 population, a 101.1% increase from 1,320 in 2010 to 2,655 in 2020.

Source: U.S. Census Bureau

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