In fight over congestion pricing, Gov. Kathy Hochul volleys back at Trump administration on a bus

Gov. Kathy Hochul rode a bus across 14th Street in Manhattan Friday to celebrate the successes of congestion pricing. Right, State Sen. Robert Jackson. Credit: Ed Quinn
Whatever time savings Manhattan resident Sally Cowan might have realized from a less-congested commute Friday morning evaporated the moment her M14 bus stopped to pick up Gov. Kathy Hochul.
As the driver waited several minutes for about 50 Hochul and MTA staffers and journalists to board at 14th Street and Irving Place, Cowan sat near the rear of the accordion-like articulated bus, her hands tucked to her sides to try to keep warm as cold air seeped in through the open bus doors.

NewsdayTV celebrates Women's History Month From a civil rights pioneer to history being made at the SCPD, NewsdayTV is celebrating Women's History Month with a look at changemakers and trailblazers with ties to LI.