
(Getty) Credit: CBS headquarters, New York. (Getty)

Jets fans, Big Brother fanatics and other regular watchers of CBS shows can now breathe a huge sigh of relief.

The network and Time Warner Cable announced an agreement Monday to their carrier dispute that left WCBS 2, Showtime and other networks blacked out for the last month. Regular programing returned 6 p.m. Monday night, days before Jets home opener.

CBS wanted higher retransmission rights fees from the cable company, but Time Warner refused, cutting off the stations and replacing them with the Starz Family Channel. Exceptions were made to two mayoral debates that ran on WCBS 2s.

It is unknown what the terms of the agreement between the companies were.

Join Newsday Entertainment Writer Rafer Guzmán and Long Island LitFest for an in-depth discussion with Grammy-winning singer, songwriter and social activist Joan Baez about her new autobiographical poetry book, “When You See My Mother, Ask Her to Dance.”

Newsday Live: A chat with Joan Baez Join Newsday Entertainment Writer Rafer Guzmán and Long Island LitFest for an in-depth discussion with Grammy-winning singer, songwriter and social activist Joan Baez about her new autobiographical poetry book, "When You See My Mother, Ask Her to Dance."

Join Newsday Entertainment Writer Rafer Guzmán and Long Island LitFest for an in-depth discussion with Grammy-winning singer, songwriter and social activist Joan Baez about her new autobiographical poetry book, “When You See My Mother, Ask Her to Dance.”

Newsday Live: A chat with Joan Baez Join Newsday Entertainment Writer Rafer Guzmán and Long Island LitFest for an in-depth discussion with Grammy-winning singer, songwriter and social activist Joan Baez about her new autobiographical poetry book, "When You See My Mother, Ask Her to Dance."

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