In this undated photo released by the New York City...

In this undated photo released by the New York City Police Department, Maksim Gelman is shown. Gelman, 23, is sought for the Feb. 11, 2011 stabbing deaths of his stepfather and two women, as well as injuring two additional people while making his escape. Credit: AP Photo/NYPD

NEW YORK — A 23-year-old Brooklyn man is in custody after police say he fatally stabbed three people and killed a pedestrian after hijacking a car.

Police say Maksim Gelman was apprehended Saturday at 8:30 a.m. in the Times Square subway station, after another stabbing on a train.

The victims include Gelman's stepfather, girlfriend and her mother.

Gelman's stepfather, Aleksandr Kuznetsov, was knifed numerous times before dawn Friday at his Brooklyn home.

On Friday afternoon, police got another 911 call reporting a stabbing a few blocks away in Sheepshead Bay, a predominantly Russian immigrant neighborhood. When police arrived, they found the bodies of Gelman's girlfriend and her mother — 20-year-old Yelena Bulchenko and 56-year-old Anna Bulchenko.

Authorities say Gelman then carjacked a vehicle and stabbed and wounded the driver before hitting the pedestrian, who later died at a hospital.

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