Ralph Macchio, actor, writer, director and producer, first gained world...

Ralph Macchio, actor, writer, director and producer, first gained world recognition for playing the title role in the popular classic "The Karate Kid" and its successors. Macchio is a native of Huntington. Credit: AP

The "Karate Kid" actor and Huntington native keeps more than 85,000 Twitter followers updated about projects he's working on and also tweets his thoughts about current events, ranging from the recent death of Monkees' lead singer Davy Jones to the Daytona 500.

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Amityville murders 50 years later ... Help for homeowners  ... Get the latest news and more great videos at NewsdayTV

Get the latest news and more great videos at NewsdayTV Credit: Newsday

Amityville murders 50 years later ... Help for homeowners  ... Get the latest news and more great videos at NewsdayTV


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