GOP backs candidates for U.S. Senate, state comptroller and AG
GARDEN CITY — New York Republicans on Monday designated candidates for state comptroller, U.S. Senate and attorney general in the opening day of their two-day convention.
Republican delegates chose Paul Rodriguez, a former banker who was raised in Puerto Rico, for state comptroller; Joe Pinion, who they said is the first Black man to run for U.S. Senate in state history, and New York City lawyer Michael Henry for attorney general.
The candidates all presented platforms of combating rising crime, cutting taxes and reducing the cost of living in New York that is driving residents to other states.
"Democrats have an insatiable appetite for taxpayers’ money," said Rodriguez, who is taking on Democratic Comptroller Thomas DiNapoli. "Tom DiNapoli is a nice man, but we can’t expect him to take on the Legislature … he is a career politician. We need an outsider."
Rodriguez of Queens said he will use the comptroller’s role as sole trustee of the state pension system to invest in New York businesses and workers, to give them assistance like the help he received after growing up poor in Puerto Rico "where the deck was stacked against us."
DiNapoli campaign manager Ilana Maier said the comptroller has an "unmatched record of advocating for taxpayers; exposing waste, fraud and abuse; protecting New York’s pension fund; investing in the green economy and local businesses; and ensuring government transparency and accountability."
Republicans also backed Pinion, a Yonkers native who left a job as a political commentator on the conservative website Newsmax to run against Democratic Sen. Charles Schumer of Brooklyn. Pinion said progressives are trying to make the country socialist.
"I think in many ways the tide has turned," Pinion said. He said Democrats have failed to lift children out of poverty and bad schools, have failed to combat climate change and have failed to create a serious, constructive discussion of rising crime.
Pinion also said Schumer also has drawn criticism for his role as majority leader for failing to improve these long-standing problems after more than 24 years in office and for increasing partisanship in Washington.
"All of these issues are not partisan," Pinion said, blaming "the divisiveness that has leached into everything we do."
Henry will take on Democratic Attorney General Letitia James, whose cases including the continuing fraud investigation of former Republican President Donald Trump’s company, the Trump Organization.
"My plan is to use the office … to change bad public policy, to put a stop to this crime crisis," said Henry, who is a commercial law attorney.
Campaign officials for James and Schumer didn’t immediately respond to requests for comment.
The convention also sought to recreate the historic upset of 1994, when little-known George Pataki, then a state senator, beat three-term Gov. Mario M. Cuomo, a national Democratic star.
Pataki, the convention's keynote speaker, told delegates they "need to build on the victories in Nassau County and Suffolk County." That "red wave" included an upset win by Nassau County Executive Bruce Blakeman, who opened Monday’s events.
Tuesday’s final day will include a vote by delegates statewide for candidates for governor and lieutenant governor. Rep. Lee Zeldin of Shirley has collected the nonbinding endorsements of most county chairmen. But financier Harry Wilson entered the race last week and promises to spend $12 million of his own money to catch up.
Westchester County Executive Rob Astorino is also seeking the party designation, arguing that he has a better chance to attract enough votes outside the party to win in November. Former Trump administration aide Andrew Giuliani is also running.
Candidates who lose Tuesday’s vote but gain at least 25% of the delegates’ weighted votes could also join the ballot for a June primary. If they don't receive 25%, candidates could also collect petitions to get onto the primary ballot.
State Republican Chairman Nick Langworthy said he preferred that Republicans didn’t spend campaign money on primaries, but that a intraparty challenge may be unavoidable.
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