In this image released by WWE, Inc., Duane "The Rock"...

In this image released by WWE, Inc., Duane "The Rock" Johnson, left, faces off against John Cena, at a news conference for Wrestlemania XXVIII. (March 28, 2012) Credit: AP

The Rock vs. John Cena

Alfonso: John Cena

There are knowledgeable wrestling fans who will tell you why it’s an absolute certainty that Cena will win this match. And there are equally knowledgeable fans who can make as convincing a case as The Rock. In the end, it will be up to Vince McMahon to decide what he believes is best for business, and he’s not always right. I am of the opinion that Cena, as the full-time WWE performer who will be around long after The Rock returns to Hollywood, should go over in this bout. But then, the same could have been made for when Hulk Hogan wrestled Shawn Michaels in 2005 or Randy Orton in 2006, and in both instances, WWE put over the special attraction, Hogan, if only to give fans a feel good moment. That same thinking may prevail in Miami this Sunday. But as big as the pop would be if the Rock beat Cena, I think it would be an even more memorable WrestleMania moment if Cena went over, and the crowd nearly rioted.

Anthony: John Cena

I’m not a Cena fan by any stretch of the imagination, but he has been terrific the last six weeks pretty much out-preforming the Rock every week on Raw. Rocky may be the favorite since Wrestlemania is in his hometown, but the WWE has built Cena up as SuperMan the last seven years. They’re not about to throw all that away for a guy who is jetting back to Hollywood after the Wrestlemania smoke clears. Cena needs the win more than The Rock, just like Rocky needed the win 10 years ago at Wrestlemania 18 against Hulk Hogan. The Rock’s career has been validated ever since that day and now it’s time for him to return the favor for Cena. That’s what passing the torch is all about.

Seth: John Cena

This match was built a year ago, and the "shoot" promos and rock concerts of the past six weeks have done nothing but tread water and, if anything, set things backwards. Still, this match IS the show and will go on last. For a while I assumed Rock would go over, but looking back at what Hogan did for Rock at WrestleMania 18, now I think Cena goes over. Rock can recover from a loss in two seconds, while a win for Cena gives him bragging rights forever, which will make the male fanbase hate him even more. The big question is: Do we get a handshake after the match?

Josh: John Cena

Earlier this year ESPN business reporter Michele Steele tweeted, "WWE says Cena was a $106 million retail brand in 2010". Cena's not going anywhere after WrestleMania. Rock is heading back to Hollywood. No way WWE kills the golden goose by having Cena job.

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Record summer travel … Moter vehicle fatalities … What's up on LI Credit: Newsday

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