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MAY 2019 – Long Island is getting grayer, births are barely outpacing deaths, and only incoming immigration is stopping a total population loss. It’s vital that our suburb be attractive to young adults to ensure a vibrant future. But what does the next generation of Long Islanders want? What do they think about the future of our region and the ways to meet its challenges? Will they stay here, and will those who left return?

nextLI, a new initiative by Newsday funded by the Rauch Foundation, sought to answer those questions.

nextLI empowers Long Islanders
to shape the region’s future

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Our inaugural study surveyed the attitudes of Long Island’s young adults today. Click below to read the findings of more than 1,800 interviews with 18- to 34-year-olds either living on Long Island or who were born here. What they told us paints a picture worth paying attention to. It was conducted by YouGov, a global public opinion and data company.

In the post-World War II era that shaped modern-day Long Island, returning veterans needed affordable homes, ones that could be built quickly. Soon, farmland was turned into tracts of single-family homes, and buyers showed up in the thousands. Nassau County invented suburbia. Can Long Island keep it alive and thriving?

Hispanic or Latino origin

The standards issued by the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) specify that race and Hispanic origin (also known as ethnicity) are two separate and distinct concepts.

The standards include two minimum categories for data on ethnicity: “Hispanic or Latino” and “Not Hispanic or Latino.” Persons who report themselves as Hispanic can be of any race and are identified as such in our data tables.  Source: Census.gov

What this means is that, as structured by the Census, a person can be “Hispanic or Latino” and “White (or other race).” They are two separate questions and not mutually exclusive.

A similar analogy would be a person can be “European” and “Black,” as “European” is likely to be understood as an ethnicity or origin, and not a race.

Our survey included both the definition of race and ethnicity to allow our respondents to self-select what they identify with the most.


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