OpinionCartoonsCartoons of the weekUpdated September 4, 2024 ShareCartoonists from around the world draw on the week's news.Rising sea levelsCredit: POLITICALCARTOONS.COM/Plop and KanKrSmoking vapesCredit: POLITICALCARTOONS.COM/Arend van DamTrump's iPhone quitsCredit: EASTON, CT/Randall EnosJob and housing marketCredit: COLUMBIA MISSOURIAN/John DarkowMedia coverageCredit: CANADA, POLITICALCARTOONS.COM/Dave WhamondNonstop political advertisingCredit: POLITICALCARTOONS.COM/Bob EnglehartFlat-earth conspiracy thinkersCredit: DE VOLKSKRANT, NETHERLANDS/SchotTech exec groundedCredit: THE BOSTON GLOBE/Patrick ChappatteTill football do us partCredit: SHILOH, IL/Gary McCoyTrump at ArlingtonCredit: COLUMBIA MISSOURIAN/John DarkowNegotiation table tunnelCredit: ALARABY ALJADEED NEWSPAPER , LONDON/Emad HajjajSmoking vapesCredit: POLITICALCARTOONS.COM/Arend van DamTrump at ArlingtonCredit: THE SCRANTON TIMES-TRIBUNE, PA/John Cole Share on Facebook Share on X Email this storyShareOpinion ColumnsCATHY YOUNGOminous overtones in Trump press attacks2m readDAN JANISONTrump should offer pardons and apologies2m readMICHAEL DOBIEHolidays give comfort amid change2m readCATHY YOUNGIs Cuomo on his way to vindication?2m readCATHY YOUNGKash Patel an alarming pick for FBI director2m read