Guest Essays
Proposed budget cuts hurt veterans
Already dismal wait times to see a doctor will get even longer.
2m read
NY State impedes battery storage progress2m read
LI economy will be trade war casualty2m read

Addressing child poverty will help all LIers2m read
Make NY schools smartphone-free2m read
Cellphones for kids: They must be regulated3m read
Let's reduce government ... the right way2m read

Stand against erasure of U.S. history2m read
Faith-based housing is affordability aid2m read

Kings Point needs major infrastructure help2m read
Prepare now for the threat of bird flu2m read

Affordability debate: Make school meals free for all students2m read

Affordability debate: Pass state spending cap to rein in budgets2m read

How to combat the rise in women's cancer2m read
Inevitable snow: Take it or leave it?2m read

How to fix America's air traffic control problem2m read
Solving Long Island's vaping epidemic2m read

A survey on happiness conveys uneasy truths
It's concerning that the U.S. is growing less happy, especially our young people.
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Stripping Columbia grants bad move
Campus abuses are real but Trump can't right them by gutting academic freedom.
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Schumer is lightning rod in party storm
His role in passing a GOP funding bill has drawn criticism from other Democrats.
2m read