Editorial: Don't get left out Nov. 6
The time to register to vote on Nov. 6 is running out. On Tuesday, there's a big nationwide registration effort. Check it out at nationalvoterregistrationday.org. You can type in your ZIP code and find a convenient registration event near you.
If you can't make any of those events, you can register by mail. Download the forms from the state Board of Elections website, www.elections.ny.gov. Be sure to mail the form no later than Oct. 12. Or you can register at the board for your county -- in Mineola and Yaphank. The Nassau Board of Elections will also register voters at other locations on Oct. 11 and 13. The list of those locations is expected to be final this week. Check out nassauvotes.org.
Our republic works better when more people vote and more people know what they're voting about.