David McDonough, a 14-year Republican incumbent from Merrick, says he makes his biggest impact at home: speaking at schools about cyberbullying, convening a forum for educators to learn signs of violent behavior, finding a summer parks job for a teenager formerly involved in the sex trade. Lately, he is working with Sandy victims to pry promised checks for home repairs from the NY Rising program.

In Albany, McDonough, 77, voted for reform of the Long Island Power Authority, for medicinal use of marijuana, and for firearms restrictions after the 2012 Sandy Hook massacre. He is seeking an environmental plan to contain the Northrop Grumman toxic plume.

Challenger Gaspare Tumminello, 31, of North Merrick, is deputy chief of staff to Democrats in the Nassau legislature. He shows passion and shares McDonough's concern about high taxes, but lacks specific remedies.

Newsday endorses McDonough.

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