Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer exits the Senate floor after...

Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer exits the Senate floor after giving a long speech about the Israel-Hamas war on March 14. Credit: AP/J. Scott Applewhite

The editorial “Schumer right to press for peace” [Opinion, March 19] calls Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer “the most prominent Jewish elected official in the U.S. and committed backer of Israel.” Schumer is a Jew but was not elected to represent Jews of New York or America, the diaspora or Israel.

He has no special insight or authority as a Jew on matters relating to Israel. His call for early elections was out of line.

What is Schumer doing to address the crisis for Jews in New York? We face the worst antisemitism since the Holocaust while Israelis are under attack.

Expressing concern for the war’s high death toll, the editorial asks, “At what point will Hamas be deemed defeated? And, after all hostages cruelly captured are hopefully returned, what happens ‘the next day’?” Israeli voters — millions of Jews and Muslims — in the only democracy in the Middle East will answer. Their families are held hostage. Their babies and grandparents beheaded. Their women raped and mutilated.

Israeli soldiers and reservists are deployed to defend Israel’s borders to prevent Hamas — and Hezbollah — terrorists from committing heinous atrocities all over again, as they repeatedly avow.

— Rebecca Sassouni, Great Neck

As an American Jew, I decry what happened on Oct. 7 and want the hostages back.

It is a two-way street, though, and two wrongs don’t make a right. The carnage that Israel has unleashed is inhumane. Creating famine on top of bombing civilians has not brought back the hostages.

Chuck Schumer’s speech, however, did not go far enough. When one country is using famine and total destruction, there needs to be sanctions against it. Israel has not been an innocent player. Imprisoning people without charges has been going on for years.

I’d love to have the Israel I believed it to be, but my soul has been shattered by the actions of its government.

— Judi Gardner, Melville

Chuck Schumer often refers to himself, because of his name, as a “shomer” or guardian of the Jewish people. However, his unwarranted comments could have the opposite effect.

His now-infamous speech declaring Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu an obstacle to peace only created an obstacle to victory against a barbaric enemy sworn to Israel’s destruction [“Biden is walking a tight line on Israel,” Opinion, March 15].

People can agree or disagree with Netanyahu, but he is in office because he received more votes than his opponents and formed a coalition government. That’s democracy. It’s unlike Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas, who is serving his 20th year of a “four-year” term. And it’s not like Hamas, which rose to power with actions such as throwing a political opponent off a rooftop.

When Schumer meddles in a democratic ally’s electoral politics, it crosses a line we should not engage in. As a democracy, Israel has a right to choose its own leaders.

At a time of rising antisemitism, the last thing that American Jews need is to have Jewish politicians publicly rebuking Israel during a war for its survival. Schumer’s dangerous statement has made American Jews less safe and will only prolong the war.

— Sam Leibowitz, Plainview

Chuck Schumer purports to be one of the biggest supporters of Israel, yet when his voice is needed most, he becomes critical of its leader.

I doubt Schumer has any expertise in fighting a war, especially the type in the Middle East, where a country is surrounded by enemies.

He has no right to suggest that Benjamin Netanyahu needs to be replaced. The world knows who started this war, and Israel has every right to defend itself to end Hamas’ aggression once and for all.

Nobody wants to see innocent civilians killed or injured, but sorry, this is war. Schumer should be ashamed of pandering to Palestinian supporters in an apparent attempt to gain their votes for the upcoming election. Who does he think he’s kidding?

— Larry Horn, East Norwich

So, Newsday’s editorial board endorses the contemptible comments made by Chuck Schumer. How could the board give relatively little weight to the events of Oct. 7 and the atrocities committed on the Israeli innocents attending a concert?

Forget about a two-state solution. Israel doesn’t want it, and for good reason. The other side is committed to the destruction of Israel and every man, woman and child on Earth who is Jewish.

— Mort Grossman, Plainview

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