Readers have mixed views about deer hunting. 

Readers have mixed views about deer hunting.  Credit: Avalon Park & Preserve

Deer hunting is bad? Check out groceries

I read the three letters on deer hunting and can’t decide which reader has the least knowledge of the subject ["It is not OK for hunters to kill deer," Letters, Feb. 16]. I won’t even discuss how many deer slowly starve to death or are involved in collisions with vehicles.

One reader wrote that "laws do not consider the mental state of people who purposely hurt living creatures" and in closing said that "there is enough food supply to make this killing unnecessary." This made me wonder where she gets her chicken, turkey, beef or fish from. Oh, that’s right — from supermarkets, where everything is neatly packaged, wrapped and stacked in the refrigerated case, where no animals have been harmed.

— Joseph Boccio, East Patchogue

Has the first Feb. 16 reader ever eaten a hot dog, hamburger, steak, pork, chicken, turkey, or fish? If not, then she is a vegetarian. However, that does not excuse her remarks about hunting deer.

Does she think that all the meat, fish and fowl that are sold in markets are manufactured or produced in the backrooms of such markets?

Perhaps she should visit a commercial cattle, pork or chicken slaughterhouse to see how the food that 99% of people eat is euthanized for that purpose.

Deer hunters do not kill a deer and leave it to rot. The deer are butchered, taken home to be eaten and/or donated to food pantries.

— Joe Berardino, Cold Spring Harbor

Our community, along with others, will be vehemently working with the state Legislature to pursue safety as taxpayers who have equal rights. Hunters’ rights seem to be prioritized over the rights of residents who choose to live in serene, peaceful communities.

We live here for the quality of life, nature and safety. Actions of weekend warriors hunting near our backyards, where our children and pets play, need magnification.

— Collette Porciello, St. James


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