Promoting diversity and LIPA's executive positions
Diverse youth offer variety of ideas
Every person deserves a seat at the tables where ideas are debated. It is important that in academia, television and print media we hear a wide variety of perspectives. This makes for a vibrant democracy. Unfortunately, Timothy Rosen seems to miss the point ["Liberal myth of promoting diversity," Opinion, April 18].
When we have people of all backgrounds -- different races, religions, national origins, genders, abilities and sexual orientations, we get a more complete picture of society, and perspective and understanding beyond our own experiences. Today's young people have access to a broad perspective of ideas, and a deep understanding of technology, which enables them to see the world beyond their ZIP code. Armed with this knowledge, they overwhelmingly reject outdated and narrow worldviews like Rosen's.
Our young people are the future, and they seek a world that is more just, equitable, and inclusive than what Rosen lays out. In his next college class, perhaps he should consider doing a bit less talking and a lot more listening.
Shoshana Hershkowitz, South Setauket
LIPA should find execs who live right here
I find it difficult to believe that the Long Island Power Authority couldn’t find executives already living on Long Island to fill the "highly paid” executive positions ["4 highly paid LIPA execs keep homes off LI," News, April 18]. Long Island certainly has a vast pool of talented people who could have filled those positions without paying for relocation. If LIPA insists these executives are the best they can find, then they should be made to permanently move, with their families, to Long Island, so they can experience what we Long Islanders endure by having LIPA and PSEG Long Island running the electric utility.
Lewis Damrauer, Dix Hills