A drawing of former President Donald Trump.

A drawing of former President Donald Trump. Credit: Newsday/Nirmal Mitra

Readers make their cases for their presidential choice — why they are voting for former President Donald Trump or Vice President Kamala Harris. Or, in some instances, why they are choosing neither.

Many of the letters were lengthy, with our writers not only touting their pick but criticizing the opponent. We edited those letters to express the essence of why they support their candidate. In selecting letters, we chose the ones that best articulate a specific point of view and those that would give readers the widest array of perspectives.

There are many messages expressed in this special election forum, and we invite your response. Please use our online form at newsday.com/submitaletter or email your submission to letters@newsday.com.

Take a read to learn what your neighbors are thinking, and tell us your reaction.

HAVING OPEN borders since January 2021 has resulted in plenty of undocumented immigrants entering our country from countries which are unfriendly to the United States, including China, Russia, Iran, Afghanistan and Venezuela. Support for these migrants has run into billions of dollars and has negatively affected our educational systems and hospitals. When former President Donald Trump left office, the inflation rate was less than 2%. It exceeded 9% in June 2022 during the Biden-Harris administration. Gasoline prices and some food doubled around then. Biden-Harris was responsible for an incompetent withdrawal from Afghanistan, leaving billions of dollars of modern military equipment behind, and 13 U.S. service members died. Trump has proven himself to be a superior commander in chief.

— Frank M. Marlow, Huntington

I AM an independent voter who bases my decision on the candidates’ accomplishments, not their personalities. It is a combination of experience and proposals. I remember Trump’s administration as creating an economy that was the envy of other nations, coupled with low inflation. Our military was strong, feared by our enemies, and peace was maintained throughout the world.

We had a secure border that welcomed immigrants when they were willing to enter our country through legal channels. Law enforcement was a respected profession, and criminals received appropriate punishment. It is time for a Trump administration to assume control of our nation and return it to being the respected leader of the free world.

— Larry Horn, East Norwich

ON POLICY MATTERS, my long-held views regarding the economy, governmental regulation, taxes, international relations, the Supreme Court, immigration, abortion and other matters align almost foursquare with Trump’s. His record on these matters is incredibly strong. If not for COVID-19, the 2020 election would not have been competitive. People apparently would proudly vote for an empty chair instead of Trump. Hopefully, that works only once.

Many have wished for politicians who don’t talk like politicians. We got that with Trump. I believe that he truly cares broadly about the people and genuinely loves his supporters.

Are there things I wish he wouldn’t say? Sure. But the way he conducts himself is what makes him who he is — an incredibly successful businessman, with a spectacular family, who was president. To those who disparage the cult of personality, I would suggest that President Barack Obama’s supporters utterly adored him. Why should Trump’s supporters not do likewise?

— Drew Oringer, Syosset

TRUMP IS a proven commodity — his administration was one of world peace, financial stability and safe streets. The present administration has had high inflation and supported legislation against fossil fuels, which drive the economy. Weakness against Iran has allowed conflagrations against Israel and encouraged Russia and China to make aggressive moves. Flaws in Trump’s personal life are not indications of his inability to govern and should be issues only between himself and his conscience.

— Anthony Bruno, Smithtown

OUR COUNTRY was unquestionably better four years ago. Under constant pressure of impeachment and disruption by his Democratic enemies’ propaganda, Trump still kept our country safe and our economy strong. Our borders were more secure than in the past four years, crime was down, and there was calm in the Middle East and Europe. Love him or not, Trump is a leader. I judge the strength of his accomplishments, not whether he’s an articulate orator.

— Rochy Fried, Far Rockaway

I’M VOTING for Trump based on his successes as president regarding the economy, safe streets, immigration and international security, but not his personality.

— Tim Gallagher, Seaford

I AM 72 and never has the choice for president been so clear. Whether or not you like Trump’s personality, his four years in the White House were good times and peaceful times with a strong sense of safety and security.

— Gerard Porcelli, Farmingdale

AS A SUBURBAN woman, I take into consideration the lifestyle that my husband and I, my children and grandchildren experienced under the previous administration. We are a business-oriented family, and there is no comparison as to our success under Trump. As a woman, I do understand the drawbacks in his personality, but my most common answer is: I don’t have to live with him!

— Myra Sherr, Hewlett

TRUMP REMINDS US of his secure borders, lower crime, adequate prosecution and a much better economy. He has a keen grasp on the issues that most Americans really care about, while Kamala Harris avoids attempts to get clarification apparently for fear of upsetting voters. Only one candidate is truly running to make America great again. The other is following a strategy based on a variation of this adage: It’s better to provide few details on policy and have people think you may lean to the left, than provide clarification and remove all doubts.

— Richard Vitelli, Farmingdale

I LEAVE personalities aside when I vote. Trump cites his term in office as serving our nation with lower inflation, better employment, less crime and a more secure border.

— Mort Grossman, Plainview

FORMER PRESIDENT Donald Trump says he will lift the burden of regulation on small and large businesses, fuel a renewal of economic growth and reduce taxes on us all. We would be energy strong. He says he will stop illegal immigration and deport undocumented immigrants, allowing only legal residents to get jobs here.

He will never apologize for America. He’s an “America first” president. He took a bullet for us. As an openly gay man and an Evangelical Christian, I see this existential question: Do we value life both at the beginning and end? I know that Trump believes this, in his heart and soul.

Trump would restore traditional values and reduce the size of government, consistent with the Founding Fathers’ intent. I am a lawyer and not a deplorable.

— William J.A. Sparks, Merrick

I GREW UP in a family where both parents were dyed-in-the-wool Democrats.

President Franklin Roosevelt was their hero. And my mother never let anyone forget it.

After Roosevelt’s death, when Harry S. Truman became president, my father idolized him, too.

“That great little man is for the working man, not like the Republicans, who are for the rich,” he would often trumpet.

My parents were so dogmatic about voting Democratic that, unfortunately, we all followed their edict.

As I got older, I have looked at the other side and have realized that Republicans aren’t all for the rich and against the poor. And I have realized that Democrats, from the Truman and John F. Kennedy era, have slowly become more liberal.

Many on both sides were probably raised the same way by their parents’ political views and are voting inherently with that same premise.

The minority of remaining voters will decide the election by stepping away from their family DNA and thinking for themselves.

I will vote for Trump.

— Arthur Mann Jr., Coram

AS AN OBJECTIVE, issue-oriented voter, the choice isn’t just an easy decision, but a ridiculously easy decision.

Who will reduce and/or add more stress and pressure into our lives?

Trump likely will shut down illegal immigration and any accompanying crime wave, reduce our taxes and regain our energy independence — all of which is designed to lower inflation and increase our quality of life and standard of living.

When I think of Trump versus Vice President Kamala Harris, I think of peace and prosperity versus the Jimmy Carter-era malaise and misery index. I think of Trump earning his nomination backed by plenty of primary votes whereas Harris never got one vote.

With Trump, we’d likely get instant economic relief and safer streets.

— Eugene R. Dunn, Medford

I LOOK AT the state of affairs in America with the border crisis and immigration, crime, inflation, interest rates, economy, foreign affairs, wars in the Middle East and Europe, and I ask myself, are we and the world better off today than we were four years ago? I will hold my nose and pull the lever for Trump, the better of two poor choices.

— Stewart Hochler, East Meadow

I’M VOTING for Trump for his handling of border security and dealing with inflation, which hurt the poor and middle class, groups that made reasonable financial gains under Trump, and for avoiding foreign policy hiccups. I don’t believe that it is a coincidence that the world was a lot less heated during Trump’s tenure.

— John Tuccillo, Oyster Bay

I LOVE Trump’s patriotism, although I wish that wasn’t so negative today. I respect all his successes in his presidency and his non-political life. He motivates people to do their best. Not too many people would have accomplished what he did in the pandemic, between the vaccine, sending the Navy’s hospital ship to New York and his getting advice from different sources. I feel he’s our knight in shining armor.

— Rose Calafiore, Selden

I’M VOTING for the Republican Party’s platform and Trump. I believe in smaller government, the Constitution, and the Bill of Rights. See what each party stands for.

To those on the fence, it is even more important to be an educated voter. Look at the vice president candidates. Should the unthinkable happen, you should be comfortable with whoever takes over.

Don’t be a single-item voter. Vote for the platforms, not personalities.

— Linda Marsteller, Port Jefferson

TRUMP HAS the know-how to lead, makes sound decisions and cares about the United States and its people.

He confirmed these points as president by protecting the country and its borders, fostering a beneficial economy without harmful taxes, controlling crime and promoting personal safety, and avoiding wars and a threat of a world war. He has a platform of maintaining these objectives.

— Edward Kush Jr., Water Mill

WE NEED leadership that will act in America’s best interest and keep the bad guys on the run. We must think America first and get back our status as a world leader.

— Kenneth P. Lebeck, Plainview

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