Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu speaks during an event in...

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu speaks during an event in Jerusalem, Wednesday. Credit: AP/Abit Sultan

LI’s vertical growth not a good option

It should come as no surprise that Long Island’s water supply has a problem “Study: LI drinking water source is ‘under stress,’ ” News, Sept. 2]. Atop our natural aquifer is a dense population, and the sooner we respond to that reality, the better.

Our home is an island, not some vast alluvial plain where outward expansion is possible. We are approaching the point where vertical growth is our only option, adding further stress to our ecosystem.

The first step in achieving a favorable result would be to drastically curtail construction of large, multifamily dwellings, which are far more suitable to the mainland.

Unfortunately, the demand for more affordable housing and the need to preserve our environment are not congruent goals. If we choose the former over the latter, we will end up with neither.

— Ed Weinert, Melville

Hostage deaths not Netanyahu’s fault

It is not Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s fault that six hostages were found killed in a Hamas tunnel [“Netanyahu pushes back on protests,” News, Sept. 3]. If Hamas cared about its people, it could have settled earlier.

Netanyahu did not ask Hamas to invade his country Oct. 7. Israel is dealing with ruthless terrorists and has a right to exist since President Harry S. Truman recognized the country in 1948. Netanyahu also has to deal with Israel being attacked by Hezbollah from Lebanon.

— Robert Svoboda, Wading River

Candidates should ask the questions

At their debate, former President Donald Trump and Vice President Kamala Harris should just ask each other questions and have a “referee” tell them when time is up. The candidate asking a question would then have the mic turned off [“Harris-Trump debate rules set,” Nation & World, Aug.30].

Let each one answer each question for about 3 minutes. This would then truly be a debate.

— Edward Tardibuono, Levittown

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