Drivers paying tolls help make maintaining out roads possible. .

Drivers paying tolls help make maintaining out roads possible. . Credit: NEWSDAY/Michael Ach

A note of gratitude this holiday season

We’re almost a week into the new year, so I hope it’s not too late to thank the many people who make our lives better, safer and cleaner.

Thank you, Sanitation Department workers for picking up the massive amounts of recycling and garbage of our overabundant lives. That you do this, even during a pandemic, is amazing.

Thank you, civil servants: police officers, firefighters, emergency medical services workers and others who are on the job 24/7.

Thank you, hospital and health care workers.

Thank you, Parks Department workers for keeping our city and state parks so beautiful, clean and engaging for runners, swimmers, dog walkers, tai chi and other classes.

Thank you, Metropolitan Transportation Authority for trying to improve mass transit to help us get to our destinations.

Thank you, state Department of Transportation workers for paving long stretches of highways.

Thanks to all who pay tolls so the bridges, tunnels and roads can be maintained.

And finally, thanks to the taxpayers of New York who make so much of this possible.

— Vivienne Lenk, Little Neck, Queens

We need people who earn state pensions

Some people have criticized state pensioners who leave New York State [“Where’s money go after pensioners exit?,” Just Sayin’, Dec. 16]. Why? People had opportunities to take jobs that offer pensions. But many people choose not to do so for whatever reasons they have. I believe it’s mostly because they could make more money with other higher-paying jobs.

So when people retire and move out of this state to live better, they should have their pensions taxed? Why? Stop bashing state pensions whether they are earned by police, teachers or state or county workers. If we didn’t have people who chose these careers, where would we be?

— Joseph Mazzella, East Islip

Don’t be judgmental about certain singers

I found it offensive that a reader stated that Barry Manilow jumped into the Christmas spirit by having a TV Christmas special and having produced three Christmas albums while ignoring his Jewish roots unless they benefit him, as with his Broadway show [“Jewish performers need to display roots,” Just Sayin’, Dec 16]. Are we now sitting in judgment of fellow Jews?

I love most Christmas music whether it’s sung by Manilow, Mariah Carey, Paul McCartney, Carly Simon, Idina Menzel or Barbra Streisand. I get goose bumps when any of these singers, Jewish or not, sings “Silver Bells.”

Let’s not rip someone because of a perception. For all we know, Manilow could have displayed a 10-foot Swarovski menorah in his front window for Hanukkah.

— Frederique Sol, Port Chester

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