A drawing of Vice President Kamala Harris.

A drawing of Vice President Kamala Harris. Credit: Newsday/Nirmal Mitra

Readers make their cases for their presidential choice — why they are voting for former President Donald Trump or Vice President Kamala Harris. Or, in some instances, why they are choosing neither.

Many of the letters were lengthy, with our writers not only touting their pick but criticizing the opponent. We edited those letters to express the essence of why they support their candidate. In selecting letters, we chose the ones that best articulate a specific point of view and those that would give readers the widest array of perspectives.

There are many messages expressed in this special election forum, and we invite your response. Please use our online form at newsday.com/submitaletter or email your submission to letters@newsday.com.

Take a read to learn what your neighbors are thinking, and tell us your reaction.

I BELIEVE IN democracy and decency, and I believe Vice President Kamala Harris shares these beliefs. She supports NATO and Ukraine. She is searching for a solution for both the Israelis and Palestinians. Harris is working toward a sensible bipartisan solution for the border problem, which was already proposed but blocked by former President Donald Trump.

Harris believes in the working class and proposes incentives for small businesses and working families. She paints a picture of an America we all know and love. A nation of patriotism and freedom for all.

— Karen Heckler, Hicksville

AMERICA FACES real challenges — a terrifying climate crisis, spiraling housing and health care costs, a flawed immigration system, and a widening gap between rich and poor, just to name a few. Finding solutions to these issues calls for a leader who can think clearly, work collaboratively, and inspire confidence.

Harris represents our best chance to move America in the right direction. She’ll also put the country’s welfare before her own needs and interests. I want a president who cares as much about America as I do.

— Richard J. Conway, Massapequa

AMERICA NEEDS a leader who can bring us together, is a team player and a problem solver, someone who is diplomatic, empathetic, peace-loving and believes in science. We need a leader who understands and accepts all of us, regardless of gender, race, religion or socioeconomic status. This person must be caring but tough, must have a thick skin and a level head. And it goes without saying, that person would respect the Constitution and the peaceful transfer of power.

The issues — including the economy, immigration, women’s rights, gun control, foreign affairs, and climate change — are all important, but I must use my instincts about the leaders themselves when I cast my vote. I trust Harris to lead our country with a level head and a caring heart.

— Eva O’Brien, Farmingdale

I AM VOTING for Harris because I am a woman and I have a daughter and two granddaughters and nieces and grandnieces, and I want them to grow up free as I have for 78 years.

I want them to have control over their own bodies. I want them to live in a diverse world where people respect one another and are proud of their president and their country. I want their children to go to school unafraid of bullies and bullets. I want them to always be truthful and kind and to choose role models who exemplify that. I want to raise our flag proudly and no longer picture its use as a battering ram.

— Maureen Davies, Babylon

AS A NAVY veteran who strongly believes in our democracy, the issue first and foremost to me is which candidate would uphold their oath to support, defend and protect the Constitution. To me, all other issues are secondary.

The Constitution is the very fabric of our democracy. This election is the most important of my lifetime. I’ve never felt like our democracy was threatened until now.

— Jay Stavish, Albertson

THE ISSUE that has me most concerned centers on the Supreme Court. Justice Clarence Thomas is 76, and Justice Samuel Alito is 74. And should a health issue befall one of the three “liberal” justices, they, too, might need to be replaced. Hoping to restore the high court’s balance, I’m voting for Harris.

— Frederick R. Gerber, St. James

TO ME, this election is not about Republicans versus Democrats. It is primarily about human rights. I am not against typical Republicans — we can respectfully agree to disagree. I love this country. I am grateful for our military and veterans. That is why I am voting for Harris and Gov. Tim Walz.

— Maxinne Daly, Medford

I AM a registered Independent, and the primary reason I’ll vote for Harris is because she is honest and truly cares about the middle class, women’s rights, and the environment.

— John Steiner, Port Jefferson

I WILL VOTE for experience, competency and character. All it requires is an answer to one simple question: Which candidate would I welcome moving into my neighborhood and serving as a role model? I would gladly welcome Harris to my neighborhood and also to occupy the “People’s House.”

— Sue Parker, Stony Brook

I AM an Army veteran passionate about voting for Harris. She has devoted her life to public service as a prosecutor, state attorney general, senator and vice president. She has deep respect for the Constitution and the rule of law and is the right person for president.

— Vincent Fiordalisi, East Norwich

I FEEL empowered after hearing speeches by Harris; I believe that at the root of this election are our American values. Despite the impediments and conflicts in the path of Americans today, I am hopeful that this country will be stronger by striving to achieve integrity and justice among ourselves and our neighbors. This is a legacy for our children.

Our leaders must empower Americans with hope and collaboration. Integrity and justice can foster humanity and prosperity.

— Neil Bueno, Patchogue

VICE PRESIDENT Kamala Harris has a plan to help the middle class survive. I trust her. She and President Joe Biden have done well with turning the economy around since the pandemic, passing an infrastructure bill, and helping lower prescription drug prices. She has a plan to change the immigration problems and laws. She wants women to be able to make decisions about their own bodies.

I have friends and family who are gay and transgender, and I worry about their rights being protected. I trust Harris to do the right thing for all Americans, not just a chosen few.

— Linda Breen, East Islip

I AM A registered Republican. That said, I never thought I was locked into either a party candidate or party philosophy. I recall my immigrant mother’s advice on picking political candidates: “Listen to what they say, look at what they have done, and how they act — then choose.”

My mother also urged me as a young man to “be upbeat and positive. Don’t lie, don’t cheat, be kind to everyone regardless of race or religion. Show respect for women and please don’t call people names — that shows a lack of maturity.” Those words have served me well for 76 years and I now apply them to the 2024 candidates.

Harris is positive, upbeat and forward-looking. She has spent a lifetime in public service. She speaks thoughtfully, smiles, shows a genuine concern for all people, and does not lower herself by calling people names. I guess it’s time for me to again listen to my mother. Although Harris is not perfect, I’m voting for her.

— Noel Gish Sr., Riverhead

I AM A psychiatric social worker, attuned to emotional content and people’s inner fears and feelings, and my choice is based on what I see as the candidate’s inner truth. Harris is an articulate, intelligent woman, with a great deal of expertise in handling complex matters that affect voters’ lives in real-world situations. She is empathetic, caring and will strive to include all people in her deliberations. When she speaks, I see her values as a person who strives to improve things.

— Sandy Kaye, East Rockaway

I BELIEVE that Harris cares about the Constitution and democracy. It’s important she believes in a woman’s right to choose what is best for her and her family, not the government. She will always put the interests of the country before her own. I will vote for Harris so we can return to sanity and decency.

— Karyn Rhodes Dornfield, Westbury

HARRIS’ economic proposals benefit the middle class with tax credits. She offers border security solutions, and has seen a record-high stock market and a reduction of inflation. She’ll protect a woman’s right to medical care and address climate change, and she has empathy. She supports expanded background checks and banning assault weapons.

— Andrew Skibins, Greenlawn

HARRIS AND Tim Walz possess common sense, and are levelheaded and down-to-earth people, which is exactly what our country needs. They are forward-thinking with solutions to the issues we face as a nation. Most important to me, they favor abortion rights.

— Anitra A. Ahrens, Middle Island

THE FOUNDING Fathers would be proud that the American experiment in self-rule and democracy they initiated some 250 years ago may be saved by a woman, one of mixed heritage. This proves that our principles of liberty and freedom, so eloquently stated in the Declaration of Independence and framed in the Constitution, are universal and transcend race, ethnicity, and religion.

— Gerry Ring, Old Bethpage

HARRIS HAS plans for governing, with policy positions on the economy, immigration, reproductive rights, health care, firearms, foreign affairs and helping regular people. She is knowledgeable, dignified, articulate, collaborative and purposeful. She is in the mold of a leader.

— Jane Stein, Lido Beach

HARRIS HAS a positive outlook and a forward vision for this country. No president can be perfect, but a president who promotes a positive vision for this country gets my vote.

— Lewis Miller, Setauket

IT’S SO refreshing to hear positivity about our country from someone who understands the fragility of people and offers hope to them. She talks about solid plans with no double-talk about how wonderful she is and what a genius she is. She is sincere and a breath of fresh air for America.

— Sylvia Essman, Plainview

HARRIS SUPPORTS Social Security, civil rights, women’s rights, investing in infrastructure and green energy, and the bipartisan border security bill. She is committed to protecting public lands, public health and holding polluters accountable. She supports a $6,000 tax credit for families with newborn children. Like most Americans, she supports universal background checks for gun purchases.

— Judy Black, Shoreham

WE ENCOURAGE YOU TO JOIN OUR DAILY CONVERSATION. Just go to newsday.com/submitaletter and follow the prompts. Or email your opinion to letters@newsday.com. Submissions should be no more than 200 words. Please provide your full name, hometown, phone number and any relevant expertise or affiliation. Include the headline and date of the article you are responding to. Letters become the property of Newsday and are edited for all media. Due to volume, readers are limited to one letter in print every 45 days. Published letters reflect the ratio received on each topic.


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