Letter: Investigate rail and sea transport
The recent Newsday editorial "A rail answer to traffic" [Sept. 2] has aroused the interest of futurists and critics on economic progress. And yes, the mention of traffic captured the attention of everyone who has to cope with Long Island's congested roadways! Newsday cited the enormous underuse of Long Island's rail system to import freight (only 1 percent) to the Island. Shipments by sea are practically nonexistent.
Government, business and community leaders should collaborate to investigate the feasibility of promoting the delivery of more consumer and industrial goods by rail and sea. Realistic solutions are needed to satisfy the valid concerns of those who may be negatively affected. It would also be a good idea to work with university, public and private transportation specialists to fully investigate rail-port freight distribution.
Topics that should be studied including job creation projections; benefits and challenges to the Long Island Rail Road, trucking industry and maritime interests; the potential for business startup and expansion; agricultural and other export market growth; business and industry tax revenue potential; road traffic and highway maintenance cost reduction; deepwater port and rail hub location options; and environmental considerations such as the need for sight and sound barriers.
The real consideration is the future quality of living, working, playing and traveling on our stretch of paradise.
Robert Moses, Huntington