Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump addresses supporters at a campaign...

Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump addresses supporters at a campaign rally, Monday, Dec. 21, 2015, in Grand Rapids, Mich. Credit: AP

I listened to the bigoted remarks of Donald Trump on the news [“Trump’s disgustingly brilliant bluster,” Opinion, Nov. 29]. It reminded me of the bigotry and racism in this country in the early 20th century against Asian Americans.

The San Francisco Chronicle had this to say in 1905: “Brown Men” (Asians), a headline warned, were “an Evil in the Public Schools” and a “Menace to American Women.” Another headline read, “Unclean Practices of Orient Bringing Degradation and Debasement in the Train of Unrestricted Immigration.”

After the Trump comments, Newsday published a story about two young Asian-American women winning the Siemens Competition in Math, Science & Technology, one of the highest awards for high school students in the country [“LI science team wins $100G prize,” News, Dec. 9].

Fear of immigrants coming to our country has existed for hundreds of years, fueled by people like Trump. None of these fears has had any merit. These Syrian refugees, when given a chance, will succeed and give more to our nation than take from it.

Eugene J. Reynolds, Ridge


Attributing the horrific actions of a few to an entire population linked together only by religion is senseless, divisive and unethical [“Critics baffle Trump backers,” News, Dec. 15].

Many religions have fringe extremists who have committed acts that mainstream followers have denounced as heinous and not representative of their religion’s principles. We need to remember that those who commit violence against humanity are not honoring any religion. Indeed, in the words of many who have taken to the airways to defend the honor of Islam in recent weeks, extremists have hijacked Islam.

Terrorism seeks to destroy not only our bodies but also our beliefs and culture, and the democratic principles that protect our right to practice any religious belief or none, to speak freely, to make decisions for ourselves and to raise our families how we choose. If we seek to limit the freedoms of one group because of its faith, we begin to chip away at these bedrock principles.

Corinne Kyriacou, Plainview


It’s sad that so many people are clueless when it comes to the history of the Midde East. Donald Trump told the Republican Jewish Coalition earlier this month that Israel has not made concessions for peace [“Trump riles Jewish activists,” News, Dec. 4].

He and many of his supporters believe you can negoiate with the Palestinians, when actually nothing could be further from the truth.

Israel has tried many times to negotiate a lasting peace by trading land for peace, but all it gets is more violence from the Palestinians. The rest of the world just sits back and watches and condemns Israel.

I just pray that Israel doesn’t cower to our so-called leaders in the United States.

Henry Fine, Merrick


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