Letters: More apartments for Patchogue Village?
I am a resident of Patchogue Village who supports the Tritec New Village plan ["Long Island's fear of rentals," March 14]. This development would bring in attractive rental housing at a time when the demand is high because of the state of the economy. Additionally, how can the village turn its back on $80 million that would be invested in the village? It means jobs for hundreds of people now and in the future, and more customers for Main Street businesses.
If this plan does not move forward, is it so hard to imagine that the legacy would be to dry up private development money for years to come? Who would trust village government after that? Revitalization of the village would suffer a fatal blow that would derail all the good that has been done.
John Bogack, Patchogue
The issue with your editorial is not that residents in Patchogue Village are anti-apartments. The issue is that for the past 10 years, under Mayor Paul Pontieri, it seems as though every piece of undeveloped land or parcel being sold has been turned into co-ops, condominiums or apartments.
We are a 2.2-square-mile village and we have been oversaturated with this type of residential development. Our services are taxed, our village resembles Queens, and there is no longer any breathing space in our community.
To imply we are somehow anti-apartment is wrong. To say that we are full of our share of affordable rental housing is correct.
Lynn Davis, Patchogue Village
Editor's note: The writer is a former village trustee.