Letters: Obama and Romney light on details?
In your editorial "Show voters the fine print" [Sept. 9], you described President Barack Obama's goals for America. You cited what he wants for clean energy: laws "that limit carbon emissions and more and faster growth in alternative energy." You went on to say that he wants to fund more infrastructure, use federal funds to create more employment by local and state governments, cut reimbursements to health care providers and increase federal funding of public education. He wants to simplify the tax code and raise the tax on capital gains. He has also stated countless times that he would raise taxes on those citizens whose income is $250,000 or more.
I am therefore puzzled by your conclusion that "neither candidate has given voters the information they need to make an informed decision."
What more would you like the president to tell us? Is it, which day of the week he will introduce a bill or exactly how he will word the bill?
Brenda Reiss, Greenlawn
To paraphrase Shakespeare, something is rotten in the District of Columbia. No one, but no one is talking about gun violence and how to stop it.
Neither candidate for the highest office has discussed the recurring deadly shootings by the sane and by the deranged. The candidates talk about everything else, but on gun violence, silence. Deadly silence.
Ben Calderone, Levittown
On "Meet the Press" on Sunday, Mitt Romney said he won't cut taxes on wealthy Americans. When he was asked about the specifics of his math, Romney declined to offer any additional details, suggesting that the "principles" of his plan should be enough for Americans to judge. He said, "Well, the specifics are these, which are those principles I described are the heart of my policy."
I don't care if it's Romney or President Barack Obama, since when should I take the word of a career politician? At least with Obama I can see what he's done and how he does it. Romney has asked us to take his word without offering specifics.
When I hire someone for a job, I want answers to my questions during the interview. Romney isn't answering the questions.
Lionel T. Bauman, Baldwin