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The new station, to be formally be known as "Grand...

The new station, to be formally be known as "Grand Central Madison," is expected to be open in December. Credit: Marcus Santos

New LIRR terminal isn't quite so grand

In “LIRR’s Grand new terminal” [Editorial, June 3], Newsday’s editorial board touts the accomplishment of East Side Access and the commuting time it will save for those commuters who work on the east side of Manhattan.

When you dive into the newly proposed schedules that will take effect later this year, you can see that they will adversely affect the commutes of those riding into the Brooklyn Atlantic Terminal.

Those commuting into Brooklyn will now have longer wait times at Jamaica station, and riders will be relegated to a new inconvenient designated track.

The proposed schedule needs to studied and input from actual riders into Penn Station and Brooklyn needs to be taken into account.

Otherwise, this $11.9 billion investment was unnecessary and will be more detrimental than it is positive.

Ian Siegel, Glen Cove

NIFA seems to be controlling Nassau

It’s interesting that the Nassau County Interim Finance Authority approved $100 million in longevity pay to Nassau County workers for past and future work [“NIFA approves $100M longevity payments,” News, June 1].

NIFA was created when Thomas Gulotta was the Nassau County executive in 2000 — 22 years ago.

It should be emphasized that the second letter in NIFA stands for “interim.” That means “temporary.”

So let’s rename NIFA the Nassau County Indefinite Finance Authority.

It’s more fitting, and who knows how long they’ll be around.

If this board is so necessary to the finances of Nassau County, let’s save some money and do away with the county executive and Legislature because who needs them?

John Napolitano, Williston Park

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