I have everything I could possibly want here on Long...

I have everything I could possibly want here on Long Island and nothing will make me leave, writes a reader. Credit: Newsday/John Paraskevas

Florida? New York is just fine with us

A reader believes that New Yorkers should drop off their values at the first fruit stand as they enter Florida [“Don’t bring your NY ideas to Fla.,” Musings, Sept. 30].

He also states he votes with his wallet. If he is a billionaire, that just may work for him, but I would rather vote with my conscience and for the candidates that have a track record of supporting the values of most citizens.

What I see with far-right candidates is the loss of my freedom to learn about history, the burning of books, women unable to control their own bodies, and the government invading our bedrooms.

One can experience many cultures in Florida. The remnants of the confederacy are displayed with Stars and Bars flags on their pickup trucks. The gated communities likely keep out the “riffraff,” as do golf clubs.

Diversity is the strength of our nation, and virtues like charity, empathy, and respect should be exhibited by candidates for office. Voting with your wallet, to me, doesn’t seem to be the best way to have a good government.

— Tony Bruno, Babylon

The reader claims to be an Independent who votes with his wallet. But his comments sound elitist and a bit selfish.

He probably got a bundle for his house since Long Island is such a desirable place to live. His children probably got a top-notch education that allowed them to get great jobs, and he probably walked away from a higher-paying job with better retirement benefits than he’d ever get in Florida.

He saw people not returning shopping carts or throwing litter in the street, and he blames it on ex-New Yorkers? Wow!

He doesn’t want progressive values? Then ignore climate change and live with the destruction, death, and sky-high insurance costs that are caused by hurricanes in Florida.

— Carol Raab, Wading River

Florida is a great state to visit, but I would not want to live there.

I have everything I could possibly want here on Long Island. Nothing will make me leave. I am so grateful that I can afford to live here and enjoy so much.

He says he is an independent voter, yet he talks about “blue” states as if they are inferior. Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis isn’t progressive or leaning blue, so why worry?

I’m happy in New York, and he seems happy in Florida. To each his own.

— Barbara Bolger, Bayport

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