A person drops into a mail box applications for mail-in...

A person drops into a mail box applications for mail-in ballots, in Omaha, Neb. on Aug. 18, 2020. Credit: AP/Nati Harnik

Count me among those concerned about voter fraud with mail-in voting [“Postmaster: Election mail will be OK, despite cuts,” News, Aug. 22]. If we can go to a salon, store, gym, school, or dine outside, why can’t we go to the polls to vote?

My main concern is delivering the ballots. Only a few states have experience with mail-in voting. To me, this is not the time to experiment — this election is too important. Americans’ lives are in constant flux. They move, die, change jobs, get married, etc. I have lived in my home for 23 years and still get mail for the former owners.

The U.S. Postal Service is under siege and overwhelmed; some mail likely gets lost and redirected, and some could arrive after Election Day. This leads me to believe that no matter who wins this presidential election, the other party can and will claim voter fraud. Recounts will take weeks and the country will be thrown into even more division and chaos — just what we don’t need. This experiment is a recipe for disaster.

Rita Guttilla,


I believe that a reader’s solution to preventing voter fraud with mail-in voting won’t work [“Voting, Trump and the 2020 election,” Letters, Aug. 23]. Does he think the Social Security Administration magically knows when someone dies? It has to be reported to SSA by a relative, bank, funeral home, et al. I’m an SSA retiree. How does he think SSA knows a person’s most recent address? If a person isn’t receiving an SSA benefit or doesn’t have a pending claim, SSA has no way of knowing. Even when getting an SSA benefit or having a pending application, SSA may have the wrong address if that person doesn’t report it. And use a thumbprint? Will the ballot come with an ink pad? And what penalties does he suggest for presidential fraud? My real concern is the authority with which the reader misinforms the public.

Melody S. Jacobs,


The article “Jury duty returning to courts” [News, Aug. 24\ states that Long Island courts will be conducting jury trials in October requiring in-person jurors. Why is it that some believe we can’t safely vote in person but we can sit in a courthouse for six hours waiting to be selected for a jury? What hypocrisy!

Adrienne Bryant,


The Postmaster General says the U.S. Postal Service will deliver election mail on time. Does that apply to other important mail? Medicine deliveries and other crucial mail?

Mark Redlus,


Why police are coming under attack

In the article “Nassau rally backs law enforcement,” [News, Aug. 21], Legis. Rose Marie Walker (R-Hicksville) said, “In a time where our police are under attack for the actions of a select few, it’s important for our community to come together and show our support.”

I agree that the attacks are a result of a “select few.” But what Walker misses is why police, in general, are coming under attack. To me, it’s because they too often protect those “select few” and don’t hold them accountable. In the case of George Floyd, for example, three other police officers stood by as Derek Chauvin killed Floyd. In the case of Breonna Taylor, the officers involved in her murder have yet to be held accountable.

I support our police — the vast majority do a thankless job and do it well under trying circumstances. But as long as those “select few” are not held accountable, then the police forces, in general, will continue to come under attack.

Scott Diamond,


Fanning the divisive flames of racism

Near the end of the article “Cuomo on COVID-19: Second wave feared” [News, Aug. 20], I found the reporting to be anti-Semitic, racist and divisive.

It points out explicitly that the COVID-19 uptick in Borough Park is in a community with a large Jewish population, specifically Hasidic residents. Next, it notes an uptick in Sunset Park. Why did Newsday not note it was a Hispanic or Asian community? If in Bensonhurst, would it have said an Italian Catholic community or in East New York a Black Baptist community.

To me, this is how we increase the division of people. I find it ironic that in the same edition, an opinion piece, “Kamala Harris’ checklist,” discusses whether she is Black enough. We need to stop.

Marty Steinberg,


Here’s an even safer distance: 15 feet

Who decreed six feet as safe distancing? Especially when, in reality, it often becomes three feet or less. I say it should be at least 15 feet. The virus is airborne. Think breathing, speaking, singing, exercising and shouting. I see walkers, joggers and bicyclists rarely wearing masks, yet when we walk where they had just passed, we are breathing what they just expelled from their exertion. Often, when we’re walking, we don’t hear others quietly come from behind us. Common decency, courtesy and safety should require them to mask up when they’re near us and pass by us.

Jeffrey Myles Klein,



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