Sunrise Mall's owner is considering selling the property for "new economic...

Sunrise Mall's owner is considering selling the property for "new economic uses," Oyster Bay Supervisor Joseph S. Saladino said. Credit: Debbie Egan-Chin

I suggest that Massapequa residents would be well advised to pay close attention when the local politicians sit with developers to plan the future of the Sunrise Mall property ["NYC firm may buy mall," News, Dec. 19]. The key, to me, was the current owner considering selling the property for "new economic uses." I believe that is "politician speak" for rebuilding the mall to feature multiuse rental housing or condo units, long considered a flash point and anathema to Massapequa homeowners. I say we must unite now and communicate to the mall owner, Oyster Bay Town Supervisor Joseph Saladino and any other officials our opposition to such a plan.

Michael J. Moonitz,


King’s typical response to Trump

I’ve read the negative letters regarding Rep. Lee Zeldin’s decision to participate in the Texas lawsuit ["Readers debate support of Texas suit," Dec. 20]. I agree that he should be held responsible for his un-American action. However, let’s not ignore his fellow Republican Rep. Peter King. Although King did not sign his name to the lawsuit, he made his feelings clear by saying that he hoped that President Donald Trump would win the Texas case. To me, this is a typical King remark. It’s his way of toeing that fine line and shirking his responsibility. Unfortunately, his motives are clear to me, and I feel he should be held as responsible as Zeldin. Since it is King’s last term, I wish him well, good health and good riddance.

George Reichenbach,

Garden City

Yessir, ain’t New York State great

After reading Mike Vogel’s opinion piece, I understand why many Americans in flyover country don’t much like New Yorkers ["There’s reason for NY to be hopeful," Dec. 12]. Dripping with disdain, Vogel castigates South Dakotans for their participation in two superspreader events and for their less than ardent dedication to mask wearing and social distancing. Referring to state residents as "not too swift," Vogel points out that thanks to their apparent lack of moral rectitude, South Dakota recently shot up to No. 4 in COVID-19-related deaths per capita. New York, he adds proudly, comes in at a self-respecting 34. Vogel fails to note, however, that according to health officials, no rise in COVID-19 cases could be definitively attributed to either event he mentions. Nor does he address South Dakotans’ having already been forced indoors, weeks before their New York compatriots, who live in a more temperate climate. But the time of reckoning comes for all, and as "savvy" New Yorkers watch the number of COVID-19 cases rise, hospitals fill up and deaths increase, Vogel might want to consult his Bible during this season of "peace on earth, goodwill toward men," paying particular attention to that most prophetic of all warnings, "Pride goeth before a fall."

Carol Sefick,

East Meadow


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