North Hempstead Town Hall.

North Hempstead Town Hall. Credit: Town of North Hempstead

Town should drop trivial voting lawsuit

I attended a recent Town of North Hempstead council meeting with several neighbors to oppose an agenda item authorizing the town attorney to initiate litigation concerning the new state law consolidating most elections in even-numbered years [“Election-year lawsuit grows,” Long Island, May 28]. The law is designed to increase voter participation.

It is unfortunate that some council members as well as Town Supervisor Jennifer DeSena think supporting this frivolous lawsuit is a primary responsibility on behalf of the middle-class families who call North Hempstead home.

If DeSena truly believes this law is unconstitutional, then she should reach out to Nassau County Republican Chairman Joe Cairo and ask him to use the vast resources of his party rather than those of North Hempstead taxpayers to pursue this unnecessary lawsuit.

— Scott Wolff, Great Neck Estates

Check street repair after failing work

The roads are beginning to fall apart again [“Village tries to the pave way with A.I.,” News, April 13]. After six months since National Grid replaced gas lines in Suffolk County streets, the roadways are showing where they were torn up and repaired.

Apparently, inspectors are letting contractors repave over unsettled fill, allowing the roadway to settle there and the new asphalt to crack and break up. Shouldn’t the contractors be made to resurface the streets where this happens?

Drive on most local streets and you will see the outlines of sinking asphalt and seams that are cracking. Why are they getting away with this? Are local towns or villages picking up the tab for repairing shoddy work? An investigation should be conducted to find out how this is allowed to happen. Where are the inspectors who are supposed to ensure that a good job is being performed?

— Franz Kirsch, Northport

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