An oil drilling rig in El Reno, Oklahoma. 

An oil drilling rig in El Reno, Oklahoma.  Credit: AP/Sue Ogrocki

Doubling parking spots a bad move

The Town of Oyster Bay is considering a zoning change that will double the amount of parking required for industrial facilities ["Code change reservations," News, May 17]. As a principal in one of the largest and most active commercial brokerage firms on Long Island, which specializes only in industrial facilities, I see this as not only unnecessary but highly restrictive to new developments and redevelopments. This would have a seriously negative economic impact on surrounding businesses in the town. Just pass by any industrial warehouse and you will quickly see how underutilized the parking lots are. If the town believes there is a potential parking issue, perhaps it should consider a more reasonable increase (10% to 20%) in the parking requirement. To increase the required parking by 100% is like trying to kill a mosquito with a sledgehammer.

Jeff Schwartzberg, Massapequa

Biden has OKd more drilling than Trump

A reader blamed President Joe Biden for “halting various means of domestic oil production” ["Clean energy is part of LI's best future," Letters, May 16]. In fact, Biden has approved more domestic drilling permits than former President Donald Trump. Due to an expected decline in oil prices, oil companies, like those in Texas, refuse to restart full oil drilling production out of concern for losing money.

Pete Scott, Centerport 

Mull alternatives to attending college

I have a unique take on student loans and college in general ["Dealing with student loan debt," Letters, May 6]. We need to stop obsessing about college -- it is presented as a panacea. We also need to advocate alternatives to college, such as trade school, and -- I know this sounds odd -- maybe the military.

Joe Domhan, West Babylon

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