38°Good Morning
NBC “Meet the Press” moderator Kristen Welker.

NBC “Meet the Press” moderator Kristen Welker. Credit: NBC/William B. Plowman

I am bemused when I watch politicians or their surrogates on Sunday morning television news shows.

Politicians from both sides of the aisle, alone with the moderator, often present false facts and misinformation and sometimes seem to deliberately present disinformation. The hosts often appear to be unwilling or unable to fact-check in real time.

So, instead of politicians being interviewed alone in a one-on-one format, we the public would be better served to have politicians from both political sides be present — together — for the discussions.

This would allow them to state their perspectives and educate us while fact-checking and holding each other accountable.

When facts do not matter, our current reality gets distorted and puts us all at risk.

 — Rory Sadoff, Massapequa

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