Who's looking out for the horses' welfare?
Who's looking out for the horses' welfare?
It is apparent that the state racing industry, which generates $3 billion in annual activity for New York State, is comfortable with setting acceptable limits on the certain death of a percentage of its equine employees ["Death on the track," Editorial, June 25].
There appears to be a cold industry calculus that finds it acceptable that a percentage of these magnificent creatures meet their demise each year so as not to interrupt the steady $3 billion dollar revenue stream. Why let death stand in the way of business? Just gloss over it by saying that they're looking for solutions.
The editorial refers to a person involved in the task force saying he is an “unconditional advocate for the horse.” However, the New York rate of 1.5 deaths per 1,000 gate starts appears to be anything but unconditional advocacy. The numbers, not the rhetoric, speak the truth.
Trainers and physicians are poor stewards of the gift they have been given. In the big picture, we live in a state that takes solace in supporting horse racing and casinos as one of the drivers of the economy.
It is unfortunate that these magnificent creatures cannot unionize.
Michael Scaturro, Garden City
It's OK to criticize without seeking balance
The meaning of "polarizing," as Dan Janison describes it, takes on a different meaning when one party is sending migrants to specific blue states without regard for their rights or well-being and chips away at women's reproductive rights and other rights, and the other party is not engaging in anything remotely similar ["One-party trifectas fuel state clashes," Opinion, June 22]. A writer can be unbiased, and still call out what is wrong about a party without presenting false equivalencies on the other side for the sake of balance.
Robert Emproto, Huntington
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