A sign warns hikers of extreme heat at the start...

A sign warns hikers of extreme heat at the start of the Golden Canyon trail on July 11 in Death Valley National Park, California.

Credit: AP/Ty ONeil

Will heat records change people's minds?

Uncharted territory is a scary place to be, as greenhouse gas emissions keep heating the planet [“Floods, heat slam U.S.,” News, July 20]. The El Nino current that brings warmer ocean temperatures isn’t expected until December, and we’re already shattering heat records. It’s likely only going to get worse.

I fervently hope that this news will dislodge Long Island’s anti-wind advocates from their rigid stance. No one should doubt the need to stop burning fossil fuels, and our elected officials need to act with even more urgency to replace them.

Clean-energy projects, like offshore wind power in the works, will allow NY Public Service Commissioner Rory M. Christian to keep the transition from gas going.

The federal government greenlighted an enormous offshore wind project in New Jersey. Gov. Kathy Hochul must have the courage of N.J. Gov. Phil Murphy’s convictions and make sure Long Island will also enjoy the economic benefits of offshore wind and local clean air and make a major contribution to averting the worst of the climate crisis.

— Karen C. Higgins Massapequa Park

Michael Dobie is absolutely correct to warn about the temptation of technological panaceas [“Beware climate change ‘miracle’ fix,” Opinion, July 9]. But labeling the solar radiation modification scheme a miracle is not helpful.

No one suggests that this is yet feasible, or anything more than one additional, desperate tactic in the ongoing exploration of means to avert an incipient human disaster, of which the recent “heat dome” experience in our Southwest is a harbinger.

Dobie says that “the consequences of getting this wrong are monstrous.” True, yet his specified “risks” are currently underway worldwide and will continue for centuries. The issue is to save what we can.

Temperature, drought, flood and disease are disrupting agriculture, and our fisheries are challenged, water sources diminishing, fire threats and sea levels rising.

I agree with Dobie’s “value of research” and so investigating this parasol may be nuts, and it will give us a white sky, but our situation is dire.

Noah had no need to consider lifeboats, but that was a different time. We are on our own.

— Brian Kelly, Rockville Centre

Motorcyclists don't own our roadways

The reader is correct, but he did not paint the full picture [“Motorcyclists can’t stop on a dime,” Letters, July 18].

He indicated that motorists have the right to expect unimpeded travel in his or her lane. This is true. However, many motorcyclists who ride on our major parkways, such as the Southern State Parkway, ignore this. I continually see one cyclist or groups weaving in and out of slow traffic, going fast.

Car drivers, too, cannot “stop on a dime,” and if you’re not alert, a collision is likely to happen, or a car may have to jam on its brakes to avoid one.

Many motorcyclists seem to have no intention of staying in their lanes. If they did, everyone would be much safer, and fewer accidents would occur.

— Rich Levens, Lynbrook

I believe the reader doth protest too much. Of course vehicles make unexpected turns, endangering cyclists, but the reader then brings up “right of way.”

Do motorcyclists who ride on the white line between cars have the right of way? Do clusters of motorcyclists cutting through traffic lanes have the right of way? And how many don’t even think of signaling their turns?

— Anthony Bruno, Babylon

Yes, motorcycles are vehicles of the road just like cars. I’ve had two licensed motorcycle drivers in my immediate family. As a motorist, I don’t appreciate those bikers who ride the lane-marking lines, who cut in front of me, or rev their engines just to let me know they are there. When they zip past, I usually think “another organ donor.” When they ride in packs with similar traits, they make me fear what can happen next.

— Evelyn Estrine, Baldwin

I am a retired physician with over 31 years of experience practicing in a nursing and rehabilitation facility.

While the thousands of people I cared for during those years all touched my heart in their own special ways, one resident stands out significantly — a young motorcyclist who suffered catastrophic injuries around the age of 39.

Since meeting and caring for this resident long-term, he had little quality of life after his accident. Every time I see a motorcyclist on the road, my thoughts go straight to him.

While the actual details of my patient’s accident are unclear to me all these years later, and while accidents occur for many different reasons, I am horrified when I see motorcyclists weaving in and out of traffic and riding between lanes on the Northern State Parkway. I think the laws prohibiting motorcyclists from doing this should be enforced strictly in hopes of preventing other tragic incidents.

To all the motorcycle fans out there, please be more careful and reconsider riding between lanes.

— Karen Blau, Syosset

No more blank checks for our state projects

Yes, we state taxpayers have been burnt in the past from the lack of state oversight on public-private development projects, and certainly do not want to squander more money on these types of arrangements [“Need closer eyes on state deal,” Editorial, July 17].

What has this state done to tighten oversight since the “Buffalo Billion” disaster?

Gov. Kathy Hochul recently endorsed two major public-private development deals, the Buffalo Bills’ new stadium, which will cost taxpayers $850 million, and the offshore wind infrastructure projects, which will carry a $500 million tab.

Of course, these are estimated costs and will only increase to where we have two more projects costing taxpayers billions of dollars.

This is concerning — we can no longer afford to issue blank checks without any accountability.

— Simon Klarides, Port Washington

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