The proposed site of a $22 million luxury complex would...

The proposed site of a $22 million luxury complex would be by the intersection of Meadow and Indian Head roads in Kings Park. Credit: Barry Sloan

Fixing the court can truly drain swamp

I support President Joe Biden’s plan for the Supreme Court [“Keeping the court near the center,” Editorial, Aug. 4]. To address corruption in Washington, we must limit the Supreme Court’s discretionary authority and make the justices accountable to the people, rather than to party bosses and wealthy donors who appear to have undue influence.

Other than to adjudicate disputes between the states, our Founding Fathers were uncertain about the court’s role. It was Chief Justice John Marshall who established the court’s power to review acts of Congress, a power not explicitly stated in the Constitution.

The court can offer valuable guidance on contentious issues, but it has often fallen short. The Dred Scott decision denied enslaved individuals legal rights. Many other glaring examples exist where the court could have helped America navigate difficult times. It failed often, with a few notable exceptions, such as in Brown v. Board of Education, where the court addressed racial inequality.

It is time to impose limits on the unelected, privileged justices who are appointed through a highly partisan process and serve lifetime terms. We should implement 18-year term limits, establish a code of ethical conduct, and remove immunity from criminal actions for future presidents, thereby truly draining the swamp.

— George Hoffman, Setauket

Many drivers’ lack of respect daunting

It’s sad to see the increasing number of motorcycle fatalities [“Number of fatal LI motorcycle crashes surging,” News, July 31]. I’m a lifetime Long Island resident and motorcyclist and have ridden and commuted in Suffolk County for thousands of miles over 50 years.

I’m licensed and always wear a helmet, jacket, boots, gloves and glasses.

Having survived two crashes over the years — my errors — I was lucky to walk out of emergency rooms with just fractured bones.

The motorcycle rider safety classes Newsday featured are the best training for new riders and old-timers. New and younger riders are more likely to crash because of the increased number of bicycles and motorcycles on the road.

The lack of respect from many vehicle drivers is daunting. The backlash of residents to the red light and school bus camera fines is astounding. Stop signs and red lights are not suggestions.

With the absence of police patrols, speeding, reckless and distracted drivers, and intoxicated drivers abound.

At age 75, I’m still riding, but I won’t be taking passengers anymore.

— Frank M. Dusek, Fort Salonga

College is a necessity — so is paying for it

I know college is expensive, but college is not vocational school [“Poll: More doubt college education value,” News July 9]. It is meant to make us knowledgeable about our world.

Students want amenities at their college of choice. That costs money. We cannot expect 18-year-olds to understand the cost of student loans. Some parents take pride in their child’s admission to college but without a plan for payment. This saddles the student with massive debt.

Want to go to college? Start saving, if you can, in New York’s 529 program. Join the military. The GI Bill pays for a four-year degree with payment for housing and books while training for a job. I went to college under the GI Bill.

Enrollment of young men in college has declined. Why? We looked up to those who were educated when I was a kid. Do we do that now, or has contempt and disdain taken over?

Education is the key to better lives and has been the key to social mobility.

— Charles Greco, Eastport

Is part of $10M grant going to luxury units?

So, New York State awarded Kings Park a $10 million grant to revitalize its downtown “Developer pitches luxury complex,” Our Towns, Aug. 2]. Will some of that money go toward the proposed $22 million mixed-use luxury apartment complex?

— Saul Rothenberg, Rochdale Village, Queens

Climate caption weakened the point

Climate change is not a “both sides” issue [“Climate change is on all of us,” Opinion, Aug. 5]. It is real and unprecedented, and its meteoric rise is being caused by humans. These are proven scientific facts. We live on an island that is threatened by climate change every year.

On the new Musings page, I found the photo caption misleading. The caption, “Earth has gone through cycles of warming and cooling for thousands of years,” doesn’t make the reader’s point clear. It undermines her opinion that our climate future is dramatically changing — now.

— Lauren DeBlasi, Islip Terrace

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