Twitter reaction: Should fans cheer or boo Alex Rodriguez?
We asked, and you answered.
With Alex Rodriguez set to make his 2013 home debut at Yankee Stadium, we asked readers on Twitter and Facebook a simple question: "Would you boo or cheer Alex Rodriguez on Friday, and why?"
The best results will appear in Friday's paper, but here's a sampling of some of the responses.
If you want to weigh in, tweet us your thoughts @NewsdaySports or let us know on Facebook at
@NewsdaySports he needs a good old fashioned shunning! No noise and backs turned! #shunarod
— Larry Browne (@firepix1979) August 8, 2013
@NewsdaySports I would yodel at him. I think he's often from somewhere else.
— Maury Brown (@BizballMaury) August 8, 2013
@NewsdaySports how many chances does he get?integrity and morals should come before a tainted homeruns by a liar and a cheat.use commonsense
— JUST SAYING... (@HATS_ALL_FOLKS) August 8, 2013
@NewsdaySports @Newsday I'm going to cheer him because it's opposite day on Friday.
— Zach (@zd183_NYK) August 8, 2013
@NewsdaySports I would boo because #thatswhatnewyorkersdo
— Ross (@shortross9) August 8, 2013
@NewsdaySports @Newsday Boo him until I lost my voice. Anyone who cheers him is neither #Yankees nor baseball fan. Period.
— Thomas Korocz (@tomkorocz) August 8, 2013
@NewsdaySports @Newsday no,he is being paid by the Yankees to go out and get the job done, so I will support him on the field.
— diane schaber (@dsch560) August 8, 2013
@NewsdaySports @Newsday boo, he is an embarrasment to the game.
— Nicholas Schiavo (@nickschiavo) August 8, 2013
@NewsdaySports Neither, never booed any player on a team I root for but I don't agree with what he did.
— SRRAG4454 (@SandyGWrites) August 8, 2013
@NewsdaySports ARod, Barry Bonds and Lance Armstrong can form the Legion of Fake Superstars. BOO
— Walter Sego (@Walters_Ego) August 8, 2013
@NewsdaySports You boo him, you don’t cheer for a cheater. You can’t. It’s inhuman.
— Sam Neumann (@Crazy4NYSports) August 8, 2013
@NewsdaySports Neither. Let him soak in the silence of how insignificant he is to the game now
— Vamos Mets (@VamosMets) August 8, 2013
@NewsdaySports I would boo lustily - then obfuscate when I'm tested for Human Jeer Hormone
— A. Schotz (@LawnGyland) August 8, 2013
@NewsdaySports I would not boo ARod. I would boo Selig for causing this circus and not acting faster against steroids for "good of the game"
— donna p (@dp57) August 8, 2013
@NewsdaySports cheer. I believe there are so many players using enhancements. It's not fair to just signal him out.
— Shawn Leonardi (@sleo03) August 8, 2013
@KMart_LI @NewsdaySports I stand up and turn around every time he comes up to the plate
— james centauro (@jcent93) August 8, 2013
@KMart_LI @NewsdaySports Cheering A-Rod means supporting ur team @ home. If ur team is the NY Yankees, then you either cheer ARod or shut up
— Linda Vastardis (@AdamsArmyGirl) August 8, 2013