Derek Jeter follows through on a first inning double against...

Derek Jeter follows through on a first inning double against the Chicago White Sox. (June 29, 2012) Credit: Jim McIsaac

It was the case of one iconic shortstop acknowledging another.

Derek Jeter has long talked about his admiration for Cal Ripken Jr., and with a first-inning double Friday night, he passed the Hall of Fame Oriole on the all-time hits list.

Jeter doubled on Jose Quintana's second pitch of the night, giving him 3,185 career hits and sending him into sole possession of 13th place. Jeter tied Ripken on Thursday night with a seventh-inning single.

"Congratulations to Derek for passing me on the all-time hits list," Ripken said in a statement released during the game. "Derek has been such a special player for such a long time and I am happy to see him continue to play at a high level. He represents the game and the Yankees wonderfully and I hope that he continues to play and continues to give all of us baseball fans great memories."

Jeter entered the game tied with Miguel Cabrera for the AL lead in hits with 96. Next on the all-time list is Nap Lajoie at 3,242.


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