British heavyweight boxers Tyson Fury shows his muscles during weigh-in...

British heavyweight boxers Tyson Fury shows his muscles during weigh-in at the Boxpark Wembley venue, near Wembley Stadium, in London, Friday, April 22, 2022. Tyson Fury has postponed his heavyweight unification title fight with Oleksandr Usyk this month after suffering a “freak cut” above his eye. Queensberry Promotions made the announcement. They were set to fight on Feb. 17, 2024, in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. Credit: AP/Matt Dunham

Tyson Fury postponed his heavyweight unification title fight with Oleksandr Usyk this month after suffering a “freak cut” above his eye, Queensberry Promotions announced on Friday.

They were set to fight on Feb. 17 in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. Usyk was putting his WBA, IBF and WBO titles on the line against Fury's WBC belt to find the first undisputed heavyweight champion since Lennox Lewis in 2000.

Queensberry Promotions said the cut above Fury's right eye occurred while sparring in Riyadh and “required urgent medical attention and significant stitching."

A new date will be decided when Fury's recovery period is known, Queensberry Promotions added.

“I am absolutely devastated after preparing for this fight for so long and being in such superb condition,” Fury said in a statement released by Queensberry.

"I feel bad for everyone involved in this huge event and I will work diligently towards the rescheduled date once the eye has healed.

“I can only apologize to everyone affected including my own team, Team Usyk, the undercard fighters, partners, and fans as well as our hosts and my friends in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.”


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