Britain's Prince Harry presents the Walter Payton Man of the...

Britain's Prince Harry presents the Walter Payton Man of the Year Award to Pittsburgh Steelers' Cameron Heyward during the NFL Honors award show ahead of the Super Bowl 58 football game Thursday, Feb. 8, 2024, in Las Vegas. The San Francisco 49ers face the Kansas City Chiefs in Super Bowl 58 on Sunday. Credit: AP/David J. Phillip

LAS VEGAS — Pittsburgh Steelers defensive lineman Cam Heyward received the NFL’s Walter Payton Man of the Year award on Thursday night at NFL Honors.

Prince Harry introduced Heyward.

“Prince freakin’ Harry," a stunned Heyward said.

This was the sixth time the Steelers nominated Heyward for the award. He created the Heyward House Foundation that supports several initiatives in the Pittsburgh area.

“I want to say thank you to the Pittsburgh Steelers for giving me this opportunity,” Heyward said. “Mike T (Tomlin), it’s an honor to be coached by you. I couldn’t play for any other coach. To my teammates, I’m thankful to be your teammate.”

The foundation also honors his father, Craig “Ironhead” Heyward, a fullback who played 11 seasons in the NFL. He died in 2006 at 39 of brain cancer.


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