Connor Egan helps Chaminade rally and roll to CHSAA title
The match was all but over, the pressure was off and Connor Egan, dejected, let it roll: Strike, strike, strike. A perfect 10th frame, but what does that matter when Chaminade let a lead slip away, seemingly ceding the CHSAA boys bowling championship to St. Dominic?
But wait -- check those numbers again. Add Egan's 203 in Game 3, carry over the one . . . remember, St. Dominic let up a little toward the end, and . . . oh, that 10th frame really did matter.
"I had no idea," Egan said. "I didn't feel nervous and, had I known, it would've ended differently."
Chaminade, winners of 42 straight, defeated St. Dominic by 13 pins, 3,671-3,658, to claim its third straight title. St. Dominic, which trailed by 115 pins after Game 1, roared back behind Danny Gallo's 265 in Game 2 to go into the final game with an eight-pin deficit. "We came back big and I'm so proud of my boys," said Bayhawks coach Mike Gordek, who was named coach of the year.
"But in the ninth frame of the last game, I saw things starting to shift."I was so disappointed, I kind of gave up the idea of winning."
Turns out, that's exactly what Chaminade needed to win.