Wantagh vs. Carey
Wantagh's Robert Tucker completes a pass to Bruno Surace.
Carey's Nikolas Spilane turns up the field.
Carey's Nikolas Spilane runs the ball during a game against Wantagh.
Carey's Conor Colasurdo gets tackled by a Wantagh defender.
Carey's Brett Campos makes a catch during a game against Wantagh.
Carey's Mike DeLeo runs for a touchdown during a game against Wantagh.
Carey's Conor Colasurdo scores a touchdown during a game against Wantagh.
Carey's Conor Colasurdo stays on his feet for additional yards during a game against Wantagh.
Carey's Anthony Milan scores a touchdown during a game against Wantagh.
Carey's Gabe Alejo and Nikolas Spilane celebrate a touchdown against Wantagh.
Carey's Nikolas Spilane catches a touchdown during a game against Wantagh.