Mike Tyson performs his one man show, "Undisputed Truth" on...

Mike Tyson performs his one man show, "Undisputed Truth" on May 5, 2013 at NYCB Theatre in Westbury. (Undated) Credit: Handout

Sure, I could try to cleverly reword Adult Swim’s news release regarding an animated series premiering sometime during the 2013-14 TV season, but there is no way to improve upon the original, so here ya go:

“In the new animated comedy series Mike Tyson Mysteries, Mike Tyson is taking the fight from the boxing ring to the streets… by solving mysteries! Armed with a magical tattoo on his face and a trusty associate by his side — a talking pigeon — if you have a problem that needs solving, Iron Mike is in your corner.

“The series incorporates live-action appearances featuring Mighty Mike himself, and the gloves come off as the former heavyweight champ and his fowl-mouthed partner gear up for weekly adventures as they put unsolved mysteries — like how to defeat a super computer at chess or why a famous author/werewolf can’t finish his novel — down for the count.’’

Two words: I’ll watch.

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