For morning exercisers, the allure of starting the day with...

For morning exercisers, the allure of starting the day with a workout is undeniable.  Credit: Dreamstime via TNS

It’s a long-standing discussion for all who want to get into shape. When is the best time to exercise?

Some things to consider:


“Getting your workout in and completed before you even begin your day can provide a sense of accomplishment and set a positive tone for the day ahead,” said Dr. Andrew Jagim, director of sports medicine research at Mayo Clinic Health System in Onalaska, Wisconsin. “The post-workout release of endorphins and the satisfaction of accomplishing something before 9 a.m. can serve as a powerful ego boost.”

In addition, he said, “You free up your afternoons and evenings for other activities, such as cooking dinner, socializing or simply relaxing,” which can alleviate stress.


However, for some people, evening may be a more ideal time to exercise.

“Your body’s ability to perform peaks in the afternoon and early evening, with optimal muscle function, strength and endurance,” said Dr. Jake Erickson, who is also with the Onalaska clinic. “During this time, your body has time to wake up a bit by moving around throughout the day, you’ve likely gotten a meal or two in to ensure adequate energy . . . and you may be more mentally alert.”

He added, “Your body is primed for performance in the late afternoon and early evening, making it an ideal window for high-intensity activities like interval training or speed work.”

But sleep can be affected by a late workout, said Dr. Alecia Gende, who works at the same clinic. Intense workouts, she said, “may trigger a stress response and cause difficulty falling asleep or waking in the middle of the night if your cortisol is disrupted.

“If you have to get a workout in before sleep it would be best to be lower intensity such as a walk or lighter lifting session,” she said.


According to a OnePoll survey, the most effective activity for people for an afternoon workout is getting up and going for a walk, which is a great way to perk up both your mind and body.

There are also benefits to splitting up a workout into short mini-sessions throughout the day.

But ultimately, Jagim said, “The best time to exercise is the time that fits into your schedule and aligns with your energy levels and preferences. Consistency and adherence to a regular exercise routine are key and far more important regardless of the time of day you choose.”

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