Republican Assemb. David McDonough.

Republican Assemb. David McDonough. Credit: James Escher

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Republican David G. McDonough, 85, of North Merrick, has worked hard as a minority assemblyman to serve the constituents of his district for 21 years. During this last term, that meant helping more than 500 people get desperately needed unemployment benefits when the state faltered. He rightfully supports term limits on leadership positions, and has consistently fought hard for a fair share of state funding for the schools in his district. He ought to rethink his opposition to tolling Manhattan’s central business district, though, to align with his support of mass transit and lower fares.

His opponent, Merrick Democrat Dustin Ginsberg, 27, works in business development for Israel Bonds. He has good ideas on property tax relief for districts with little commercial property, but is hazy in his grasp of key state issues, including bail reform and budgeting.

Newsday endorses McDonough.

ENDORSEMENTS ARE DETERMINED solely by the Newsday editorial board, a team of opinion journalists focused on issues of public policy and governance. Newsday’s news division has no role in this process.


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